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Luck & Fame Are Four Letter Words!

Genre: Comedy/Farce


ISBN: (Pending)


Pages:  75  (A Novella)


Syonpsis: It's 1961 and two years out of college Kate has finally secured her dream job as a feature reporter for Rand Publishing, just as the corporation's boss, J. J. Hobson, decides the magazine isn't paying off. The only way to save her job, the magazine and the career she hopes to build is to secure an earth shattering exclusive.


John Lawrence Singer, a world famous best selling author dropped off the face of the earth after only one novel. Rumor is he's become a recluse and may be working on a second book.


Embarking on a manhunt she never bargained for, Kate sets off to navigate a collection of shady characters, dodgy urban bars and streets and worst of all, her editor.

Enroute she learns that . . .


"Some days you're the pigeon.

Some days you're the statue."





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