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American Rhetoric

        "You can't fix stupid!"

Genre: Political Parody


ISBN: 978-1-78695-114-4


Pages: 430




Paddy Kelly's American Rhetoric, an hysterically funny future historical fiction, is a great read. Now that the world of Orwell's 1984 arrived and settled upon us to become our new reality a new book needed to take us to the next unimaginable and ridiculous it-could-never-happen-but-it-did future. Paddy Kelly has written that book. Kelly takes threads from current events to wittily construct and explain the future.


Family political dynasties. Check.  Meet Helen Cliton.  Reversion to the mean?  The new normal is best to be not exceptionally normal or exceptional in any way - so check. Economic globalization and debt? Meet the new American map and new American productivity. The wall? Check. But not the way you might be thinking!

And thinking about thinking- Kelly takes us there, to a world of info-tainment fueled by conspiracy theories and people who have genetically lost the ability to think.

His analogies are funny - and they stick with you. I will forever see certain couples and think of the fifth moon of Jupiter. His acronyms make you laugh. (Find one.)

The whole of it made me laugh out loud a LOT - and I needed a good laugh. As we do at a funeral. The day is saved by Paddy's irreverent wit and astute observations of the/our new human condition. He is the funny priest at your family's wake.  I look forward to more.

                                                                                                - Linda Talman, Washington, U.S.A.


This is a satirical commentary on the “Democratic Process” in the USA, that is both hilarious and a little bit scary. Cuttingly humorous and refreshing in its political incorrectness. A thought provoking narrative begs many questions of the reader, who/why/when was democracy de-railed in the US. How much responsibility must the individual voter shoulder alongside the political machines of the two parties, for this state of affairs.  A wickedly funny novel with some marvellous characters and a fast moving plot line.

A hugely enjoyable read.                                                                  

                                                                                                                                         - Michael D., Dublin, Ireland



Decades after the reign of the 49th president, the 105 year old Ronald Lump, great-great nephew of the former president, now in this last days in the White House, is concluding his fourth term. Through sheer dint of effort Lump has tackled the problem of the 3% of the rich who control 97% of the wealth in the U.S. He's whittled it down to 1%. While science has prolonged the average life span by 15-20%, questions remain concerning quality of life.


The U.S. domestic situation has been continually aggravated by the government's failed foreign policies and America is in trouble. Again.


However, in Brubaker, Ohio a place where everyday life is abnormally normal, there resides a hero. A human cog in a giant, soulless wheel of a system whose only dream is to get his family out of his one room apartment. Little does Thaddeus Enoch Pervers realize he is the last hope of America to break the shackles of the slavery of the two party system which has held his country hostage since the end of the Nineteenth Century.


Politics was never in Thaddeus' plans but due to a misfiled form it entered his destiny. When a dastardly triumvirate of super centatenarians offers to buy him a seat in the Senate if he'll act as their front-man, the offer of a new house is an offer he can't refuse.


American Rhetoric offers a glimpse of one possible future which awaits the United States of America.



POLITICS: From the Greek 'poli' meaning 'many' and

the word 'tics' meaning blood sucking, parasitic leeches

which live off others.



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